Darin Adler

Darin Adler was the technical lead for Apple Computer's System 7 operating system release.[1] During 1985–1987 he worked for ICOM Simulations as primary developer of the MacVenture series of games, including Shadowgate. Adler went on to work at General Magic and Eazel.

As of 2007, he is the engineering manager of the Safari web browser team at Apple, which also develops the WebKit framework. Adler was part of the original team that shipped the beta releases and 1.0 release of Safari, as well as Safari 3.0 beta for Microsoft Windows.

Adler is a frequent speaker at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference and Stump the Experts panelist.

See also


  1. ^ Adler, Darin. "Darin Adler (resume)". bentspoon.com. http://www.bentspoon.com/darin/resume.html. Retrieved 3 January 2011. 

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